The above is the first Graphic I created using PhotoImpact - we need to "Free Spike"
This page is dedicated to all veterans of the United States Armed Forces. I have created Honor Pages for all of Florida's Vietnam-era and Desert Storm POW/MIAs. There are a total of 61 still unaccounted for (60 from Vietnam, 1 from Desert Storm). Since beginning this project I have verified through the Defense Department that 8 remains have been returned, they are listed below. I have left their honor page intact. There are a total of 70 Honor Pages from Vietnam/Desert Storm eras. 69 of the Honor Pages are military, 1 Civilian.There are presently 162 POW/MIA Floridians from the Korean War, and 3 POW/MIA Floridians from the Cold War. Grand total from the Korean War, the Cold War, the Vietnam War and Desert Storm add up to 226 displaced Floridians. We need to bring them all home!This page is very graphics intense, so please let all the images load before you look at the Honor Pages. I apologize in advance, but I feel all the graphics were necessary to fully portray the theme surrounding this page. If you're on a dial-up connection I suggest you get up, stretch your legs, get a cup of coffee, walk the dog, call and thank a Vet, whatever you want, but please let them load.I obtained many of these images from Doc's, Ron Fleischer, the Old Sarge, Raptors Nest and some from the public domain. Unlike some sites, you may right-click on this page. I wanted this page to be worthy of our POW/MIAs and all Veterans. I hope you enjoy the presentation and the honor pages I created for my heroes.
The above left graphic pertains to 61 of the below listed Heroes. The graphic on the right represents the 8 whose remains have been returned home. All 70 POW/MIAs listed have an Honor page. They are very gut-wrenching. Be prepared. Initial biographical and loss information on POWs provided by Operation Just Cause and this site has been supplied by Chuck and Mary Schantag of POWNET. Also used was information from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Biographical information is also supplied via Scope Systems, and Task Force Omega.
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