Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Soldier's Thoughts

A Soldier's Thoughts is focused on providing the public with information of a Soldier's life-before and after through the reading of Poetry. I will do everything I can to entertain you; as well as, to make you aware of the treatment of our Military war veterans, Past and Present..

A Soldier's Thoughts

Event Name: Raffle/BBQ
Date: February 20,2013
Raffle Tickets go on sale immediately at a cost of $2.00
BBQ Plate Sales to be announced.
Drawing And BBQ will be held at:

Time: 12:00PM to 5:00PM
Location: 1106 Hwy 14 Lake Charles, La 70601
Event is to Benefit Heroes/Disabled Veterans. All Proceeds are to be Donated And is sponsored by: A Soldier's
Thoughts and Roberts TCB
See Product Page for Prizes to be awards

Driving instructions

Dear Merchant;
I am in need of Chicken, sausage and or Styrofoam covered plates and utensils to make this event a success.
I also am very much in need of wood or briquets to cook with.
As a Disabled Vietnam Vet I am aware of the needs they suffer each and every day.
I myself suffer from PTSD and the effects of Agent Orange that will someday claim my life. I would like to be remembered as a good man that wanted to help his Brethren without wanting anything in return. I was a Soldier am and will die a Soldier. Please donate if you can?
Also needed would be special gifts, such as; complimentary meals for Disabled Veterans; from Lake Charles McDonald's as many Veterans are living on the streets today. 
Please take a look and I am sure you will see the cause is a worthy one! 

Thanks in advance;

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blackhorse 'O Blackhorse

~Blackhorse ‘O Blackhorse
you are my strength~
~You are the very source
my life of length~
~You bestowed me Honor
for I would die~
~You taught me power
and I survived~
~Many of Battles fought
ground into mud~
~For Freedom’s sought
by our Brother’s blood~
~We never gave up
attacking with force~
~We were the Blackhorse
the enemy’s judge~
~Admitting no defeat
to death we would fight~
~Into Battle did we yell
the Blackhorse’s might~
~We thrust you to Hell
the Devil’s watch~
~Where your Master dwells
in Satin’s crotch~
~One hundred of us
ten thousand of you~
~Your blood be our lust
‘til every last slew~
~One by one ten by ten
we fell them to the ground~
~Sending them to Satin’s Den
by our Duty bound~
~We are the Blackhorse
our Battles we choose~
~The mightiest of Force
no Battle we loose~
~For God and Country
for Freedom’s way~
~We take our Bounty
by night by day~
~By almighty God
their blood we spewed~
~As be a Lighting rod
killing a multitude~
~Cleansing the Evil 
that haunts the land~
~The Blackhorse be Lethal
by God’s mighty hand~
~To my Blackhorse Brethren
a Mighty Hoo-ah~
~To my enemy’s aggression
 Shock and Awe~
Sgt Duke Sherman
G-Troop 2/11ACR
Blackhorse Soldier
Vietnam 1971-1972 

Monday, October 8, 2012

HOME>U.S. Women Fighting and Dying in War, Despite Combat Exclusion Policy

By this Memorial Day, nearly 150 U.S. female troops have made the ultimate sacrifice in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with over 700 wounded. Although Department of Defense policy precludes women from being assigned to ground combat-infantry units, women have for years served in combat situations where they're just as vulnerable.
Marine Lance Corp. Angelica Jimenez, 26, was one of them.
On June 25, 2005, Jimenez was riding in the back of a truck carrying 14 female Marines near the Iraqi hotbed of Fallujah. The all-female unit was tasked with searching and questioning Iraqi women at security checkpoints, ensuring they were not armed with explosives. Since females were not allowed to sleep at the checkpoints as their male counterparts were, every day the women would be driven to and from an American base, making them a visible target each time they hit the road. It was only a matter of time before their luck would run out, and that night, it did.
A car approached their convoy, moments before it ran straight towards the women's truck. Packed with explosives, it detonated on impact, enveloping all 14 women in a deadly fireball. Most of the women were severely burned. Two women died immediately, one later that night, in what would become the deadliest attack on servicewomen since 1991.
1st All Female Air Force Combat Mission Watch Video
Trailblazing in Afghanistan Watch Video
10 Women Honored for Women's Day Watch Video
Jimenez was knocked unconscious. She remembers waking up, directly in the line of insurgent fire, her flak jacket covered in blood, her M-16 gone.
"Convoys are always dangerous, anything that involves going outside the base is dangerous, outside the base, those are all very much dangerous jobs," she said. Jimenez was part of a communications command, but was selected for the month of June to man security checkpoints into Fallujah, a role she served along with her fellow male Marines.
"We were doing the same thing," Jimenez said. "Women are just as capable. I don't like being called a 'female Marine' versus a 'Marine' -- we all graduated from the same bootcamp."
Since 1994, the Department of Defense's combat exclusion policy prohibits the assignment of women to any unit below brigade level when the unit's primary mission is direct combat on the ground. However, according to DOD spokesperson Eileen Lainez, the policy does not "preclude women from being involved in ground combat."
Blurring the lines further, the Army precludes women from being "assigned" to ground combat infantry units, but allows them to be "attached" to such units, where they often perform the same roles their male counterparts would.
"The nature of today's conflicts is evolving; there are no front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan," Lainez said. "While women are not assigned to units below brigade level whose primary mission is direct combat on the ground, this doesn't mean they are not assigned to positions in combat zones that could place them in danger."
The policy defines ground combat as "engaging the enemy on the ground with individual or crew served weapons, while being exposed to hostile fire and to a high probability of direct physical contact with the hostile force's personnel." Genevieve Chase, veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom and founder of American Women Veterans, found herself in that situation while serving in 2006 in the hotspots of Helmand and Bagram, where counterinsurgency strategy emphasizes building relationships with locals including Afghan women who won't talk to a male stranger.
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