Monday, May 20, 2013

Support Our veterans who were there for you

#TheRaj #Urgent: The House Dropped The Ruth Moore Act Without Letting It Come To A Vote #Very Important Legislation for Veterans With PTSD
Pease Call And Ask Your Representatives To Pass The #Ruth Moore Bill Now And Ask Your Friends To Do So Also    #SuipportOurVets

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Devils Curse

~So Long ago
so far away~
~I lost my Soul
in Satan’s fray~
~I went to war
a Soldier’s plight~
~So much the horror
so many died~
~Many were friends
many were not~
~They met their ends
in Satan’s plot~
~Not all a man
but not a child~
~My Soul was dammed
my mind defiled~
~But eighteen years
I was of age~
~I did not fear
so full of rage~
~But now I dream
of all the death~
~I wake in scream
I cannot rest~
~In constant pain
my life astray~
~Am I insane
the Devil’s prey~
~I pray each night
to end this curse~
~The Devil’s bite
is all the worse~
~My every dream
filled is with horror~
~I wake in scream
still at war~
~Until one day
The Sands of Time~
~Will grant my pray
and ease my mind~
Duke Sherman

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Out Of Hell


~Out of Hell
swarmed a Ghostly Force~
~A Fiery Swell
of the Mighty Blackhorse~
~On each their Backs 
Brave Troopers Rode~
~Eyes of Black
a Force be Told~
~In each their Hand
they wield the Sword~
~And on Command
the Fire Soared~
~Defeat us Not
that was their Cry~
~The Devil’s Lot
your Souls shall Lie~
~Your Hell on Earth
has come to Be~
~The Blackhorse Hurls
your Destiny~
~With each the Kill
imbued them Strength~
~The Killing Field
was long of Length~
~Their Hooves were Steel
the ground was Red~
~A Blood’s Ordeal
the Enemy’s Dead~
~The Odds Against
One Hundred to One~
~By Battle’s End
the Deed was Done~
~Out of Hell
came a Ghostly Force~
~They served us Well
the Mighty Blackhorse~
~Don’t tread on Us
they’ll hunt you Down~
~Take your Blood
and Churn the Ground~
~Defeat them Not
for you will Die~
~The Devil’s Lot
your Souls shall Lie~
Duke Sherman
Sgt, US Army
G-Trp 2/11 ACR
Vietnam 1971-1972
Blackhorse Trooper

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do You Feel The Soldier's Plight

~When you lay to sleep a night
do you feel the Soldier’s plight~
~Do you pray to keep him safe
around the world in every place~
~Duty Country Honors Forged
defending all he fights the War~
~Lays down his life and proud to do
for Home and Flag and yes for you~
~Hear my words and hear them well
without the Soldier we’re Doomed to Hell~
Duke Sherman